TOPIC THE REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER  Period of recording - From:……………………………………. To:…………………………………. Demonstrate knowledge and skills of acting as a reflective practitioner by answering the following questions:  

Activity Holding Group discussions/brainstorm among peers to assess indicators of the NTS.

Task 1: How does the assessment of the indicators of the NTS impact my professional practice? 

  The assessment of the NTS has encouraged my self- reflection and provides me an opportunity for identifying areas of strength and areas that require improvement. 

 The assessment of the indicators of the NTS has provided guide in refining my instructional strategies and areas that require improvement.

Task 2:  What are some of the new things I learnt from the group discussion to assess the indicators of the NTS?

 Learners respect and value the views of others including people they perceive to be different from them. 

 Group work promotes in learning the skill to make use of language, symbols and text to exchange information about themselves, subject matter and life experiences. 

 Group participation discuss the importance of using evidence- based approaches in assessing the indicators of NTS. They explore how to gather reliable and valid evidence that demonstrate teacher proficiency in meeting the standards.
Activity Employing individual self-evaluation exercises to assess the extent of attainment of all NTS indicators and discuss progress with tutor/peers and receive feedback  


Task 1: How relevant was the feedback from my personal tutor/peers to my full attainment of the NTS indicators? 

 It provided me with an insight into my performance and allow me to focus on specific aspects of my learning that require attention. 

 Feedbacks from my personal tutor and peers offered me guidance on how to improve my teaching. Tutors and peers provides suggestions, strategies or resources to enhance my understanding and performance in relation to the NTS.

Task 2: What are some of the challenges I encountered in the attainment of the NTS indicators?

 Selecting appropriate assessment strategies to measure student learning and growth aligned with the indicators of the NTS was complex. 

 Meeting the diverse learning needs of students was a challenge. 

 I encountered challenges in assessing resources and the materials necessary to meet the standards.

Activity Holding reflections with tutors on gaps/limitations and setting targets for further development and attainment of the NTS  

Task 1: How did you achieve the NTS targets?

 I seek opportunity for collaboration and engage in professional discussion with colleagues and mentors. 

 Reflect on my own teaching philosophy/ practice and identify areas where I excel and areas that requires improvement.

Task 2: What are the NTS standards that are/have not been achieved in the check list?  

 Engaging in reflective practice 

 Possesses a deep understanding of the subject matter 

 Implementing various assessment methods to measure student learning.

Task 3: How will the targets set for the attainment of the NTS be achieved?  

 Fostering a supportive school environment

  Seek support from mentors, personal tutors or school leaders and colleagues. 

 Utilizing evidence-based teaching practice that align with the standards.

Task 4: Why the need to set targets for the NTS standards that were not achieved?

 It highlight areas that require attention and improvement 

 It allows for monitoring and evaluating progress towards the desired outcome.  It helps prioritize areas of improvement and provides a specific direction for professional development efforts

TOPIC USING CONCEPT MAPPING TO DEVELOP A CHAT OF THE QUALITIES AND ATTRIBUTES OF A ‘GOOD’ TEACHER.  Period of recording - From: ……………………………………..To:……………………………….. Demonstrate knowledge and skills of using concept mapping to develop a chat of the qualities and attributes of a ‘good’ teacher by answering the following questions:  
Activity Using concept mapping to develop a chat of the qualities and attributes of a ‘good’ teacher  
Task 1: What were some of the qualities of a good teacher I exhibited in Semester 1? 

 I exhibited a deep understanding of the subject matter I teach 

 I was passionate about my subject and conveys that enthusiasm with my students.

Task 2: What are some of the additional qualities my personal tutor supported me to identify?  

 I demonstrated empathy and understand the needs and feelings of my students  I recognized the importance of lifelong learning.

Task 3: What strategies can I use to achieve the qualities identified?

 I encouraged critical thinking and problem solving. 

 Communicate clearly and effectively with my students, using language that is appropriate for their age and level of understanding. 

 I regularly assess student progress and provides constructive feedbacks that highlight their strength and area for improvement.

Task 4: How are the qualities I identified in semester 1 and semester 2 related?  

 I demonstrated consistency in my teaching/presentation approach and qualities throughout the semester 1 and 2. 

 The qualities identified in Semester 1 and 2 includes effective communication techniques such as clarity, active listening and responsiveness.

Activity Assessing the progress of attainment of qualities and attributes of a ‘good teacher’ from tutors and peers in line with the domains of the NTS  
Task 1: How best were you able to meet your set NTS targets?  

 I carefully planned and prepared lesson and learning experience, taking into account the curriculum, learning objectives and the diverse needs of my students. 

 I maintained high standards for professional conducts and  upholds ethical guidance.

Task 2: How do you plan to achieve your set NTS targets that were not achieved or partially achieved?

 I planned by identifying the specific targets that were not achieved or partially achieved. 

 I engaged in extensive research and learning to acquire the necessary knowledge and skill related to the targeted NTS indicators.
Activity Organising individual presentations to tutors and peers on leadership qualities observed during classroom and the wider school life and how the qualities impacted their professional practices as stated in the NTS  
Task 1: How relevant was the feedback from my personal tutor during my individual presentation(s) to tutors and peers on leadership?  

 Their feedbacks provided me with valuable insights, suggestions, and guidance to enhance my understanding of leadership concepts and refine my presentation. 

 This personalized feedback helps me to identify areas of improvement that align with my unique needs and aspirations as a leader.

Task 2:  How relevant was the feedback from my peers?

 It helped me to identify my strength and weakness and areas for improvement that I may have overlook, their feedback help me to gain more well- rounded view of my presentation and enhance its quality.

 It help me to grow and improve, where it highlighted areas where I can enhanced my communication, delivery or overall presentation skills.

Task 3: What plans do I have for fully attaining the leadership qualities I observed in the wider school life?

 I embraced challenges and learned from  setbacks 

 Build positive relationship with teachers, administrations, students and community members. 

 Practice effective communication including active listening, clear and concise speaking and the ability to adopt my community members. 

Task 4:  How have the leadership qualities you observed in the classroom and the wider school life and impacted your professional practice as stated in the NTS? 

 It has inspired me to become a role model for my students. It embodied my leadership qualities myself such as being inclusive, empathetic, organized and collaborative. By demonstrating these qualities, I created positive classroom environment and influence students behavior and attitude.

TOPIC FINAL DEVELOPMENT AND COMPLETION OF THE PROFESSIONAL TEACHING PORTFOLIO  Period of recording - From:………………………………… To:………………………………….. Demonstrate knowledge and skills of finalizing the development and completion of the professional teaching portfolio by answering the following questions:  
Activity completing the development of professional teaching portfolio using appropriate ICT tools  

Task 1:  How do the items in the portfolios depict my achievements over the years?  

 I ensured that the items in my portfolio are appropriately documented, clearly presenting the necessary information to understand my achievement  and experience from level 100 to level 400semester 1.  This include SRJ, lesson notes, intern record book, field reports, activity pictures, learners marked exercises etc and other relevant details that help support my claims of accomplishment.

Task 2:  What forms of improvement in my teaching profession do I see as evidence from my portfolios?  

 It has expanded my subject knowledge  It has enhanced my pedagogical strategies  It have improved learners/learning outcomes. 

 It has enhanced my professional development  participation  

Task 3:  What were the challenges you encountered in developing my portfolios over the years and how did I resolve them?

 Designing an appealing and visually engaging portfolio was a challenge  Choosing the right pieces to include in my portfolio was  a challenge
Activity Preparing an all-inclusive presentation of the developed professional teaching portfolio  

Task 1:  In what way is my compiled work systematic?  

 My compiled work have a well-defined structure that organizes information or an idea of my experiences in a logical sequence from level 100 to level 400. 

 My work demonstrated consistency in terms of writing SRJ, field reports, pictures of evidence and other relevant materials making it easier for assessors to follow and understand

Task 2: How representative or comprehensive is my arranged work?  

 I consider the purpose of my work; the representatives of  my work depend on how well it align with its purpose. 

 Assess the range and quality of source and reference used in my work 

 It examine whether my arranged work presents a balance view, considering different viewpoint and arrangement.

Task 3:  How well do the items selected portray my journey as a student teacher so far?  

 The items I selected encompasses various aspects of my journey as a student teacher, such as beliefs, actions, experiences, and personal growth. They collectively provide a comprehensive picture of my development and dedication to the teaching profession.

Task 4: Was I able to use ICT tools to prepare my presentation? How?

 Yes I used suitable ICT tools that align with my lesson objectives and teaching styles. Examples include presentation software (MS-PowerPoint) I also developed digital materials such as slides, videos, images to support my lesson objective.

Activity Presenting and Receiving feedback on Professional Teaching Portfolio  

Task 1:  How well was I able to justify the inclusion of items in my portfolio?  

 The inclusion of items in my portfolio provide a comprehensive picture of my teaching philosophy, practical experiences, instructional capabilities and commitment to professional growth. They collectively support my claims and demonstrate my competency as a student teacher.

Task 2. Were there any items that I should have included but I didn't? What are they?

 Yes,
Parents/student feedback- consider including feedback or testimonials from parents or students regarding their experience in my classroom

Letters of recommendation- request letter of recommendation from lead mentors, cooperating teachers or supervisors who have observed my teaching.

Task 3. How favourable were the comments from my Personal Tutor and peers?

 Favourable comments from peers and personal tutor has increase my selfawareness by providing an external perspective on my strength and areas for improvement. 

 It has open and honest my communication between individuals

Task 4. How will the comments from your Personal Tutor and peers improve your work as a teacher?  

 Comments from peers and students provided valuable insights into how my teaching is perceived and experienced by those I teach. Understanding the student perspective allow you to make adjustments, tailor my instruction and create a more engaging and effective learning environment.  

TOPIC: SETTING TARGETS FOR LIFELONG LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT AS A REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER  Period of recording - From: …………………………………To:………………………………….. Demonstrate knowledge and skills of setting targets for lifelong learning and development as a reflective practitioner by answering the following questions:  
Activity Designing an action plan for personal and professional development and progression against the NTS  

Task 1: What challenges did I encounter in preparing my action plan and how did I overcome them? 

 Time constraints posed a challenge when preparing an action plan. I overcome it by rewriting tasks, allocated specific time slots for each task and create a realistic timeline. 

 Resistance to change was a challenge when implementing an action plan. I overcome this by creating a clear vision of the benefits and outcome of that action plan will bring. I also overcome it by communication the plan effectively to stakeholders, address their concerns and provide opportunity for input and involvement.

Task 2: In comparing my plan with that of my peer, what differences and similarities were identified?  

 Differences

My action plan have different goals and objectives based on my individual teaching context, subject areas or specific focus areas.
My action plan required different resources materials or support system based on the availability and context of my teaching environment. 

 Similarities

Both action plans emphasis the importance of the student learning, growth and achievement.

Both action plan are align with teaching standards or requirement relevant to my teaching context.

Task 3: What reasons accounted for these similarities and differences? 

 Priorities and focus area- teachers have priorities or focus area based on their person interest, career goals or area they want to strengthen. 

 Collaboration and share learning- collaboration among peers influence the similarities and differences.

Task 4: Has GESI in any way influenced my plan and why?  

 Yes
My plan emphasizes on ensuring equal opportunities, rights and access to education for all genders.
My plan emphasizes inclusivity for individuals from diverse social background, including ethnic, linguistic, cultural and socio-economic dimension.

Activity Presenting and highlighting action plan for personal and professional growth  

Task 1: Why do I need to make a presentation on my action plan?  

 Building understanding and aligning- through my presentation I help others understand the purpose, rationale and significance of my plan. 

 Presenting my action plan demonstrates my professionalism, preparedness and ability to articulate my ideas in a clear and organized manner.

Task 2: Were there any challenges I encountered during the preparation and presentation of the plan?  

 Engaging and obtaining support from stakeholders such as colleagues, supervisor and personal tutor was a challenge. 

 One challenge I encountered was clarity in defining my goals and strategies.

Task 3: How was I able to overcome the challenges encountered?

 I engaged with my mentor, colleagues etc who provided me with guidance and support that was helpful. Sharing my challenge and seeking inputs from others provided me with fresh perspective and insights.

Task 4: If given the opportunity to present my action plan again, what changes would I make and why?  

 I will evaluate the effectiveness of visual aids such as slides or supporting materials. Consider if they effectively support my key points are visually appealing and enhancing the understanding of my audience.

Activity Identifying potential CPD activities for further learning  

Task 1: How do I see my development as a student teacher?  

 Knowledge enrichment- CPD activities provide with the chance to learn new teaching strategies, instructional techniques and educational theories. 

 Engaging in workshop, seminar, conferences has broadens the knowledge and skills of me as a student teacher.

Task 2: What are my current CPD needs?

 Engaging in collaborative activities with fellow student teachers, experienced educators and professional organization to foster networking and shared learning. 

 Explore the integration of educational technology will enhance my teaching and support student learning.

Task 3: Are there any form of similarities and differences between my CPD needs and that of my peers? 

What accounts for the differences and similarities? 

 Teaching context; the teaching context such as class levels, subject area and type of school, can influence CPD needs 

 Different learning styles and preferences 

 Career aspirations; I and my peers have varying careers aspirations such as becoming a curriculum specialist, school administrator or pursuing further studies

Task 4: What informed the CPD needs of my peers?

 The CPD needs of my peers was influenced by institutional support and requirement. 

 The challenges they encountered in the classroom shaped their CPD needs

Activity Identifying possible sources of funding for developmental training  

Task 1: What are the benefits of CPD training? 

 CPD training provides opportunity to expand knowledge and acquire new skills 

 CPD training supports career progression and open doors to new opportunities. 

 CPD training foster a mindset of continuous improvement.

Task 2: Why do I need to have a plan for my continuous professional development?  

 A CPD plan helps me set clear goals and objectives for my professional growth 

 A CPD plan helps me prioritize my CPD activities and manage my time effectively. 

 A CPD plan will enable me to tailor my professional development to my specific needs and interest.

Task 3: Why do I need to secure funding for my continuous professional development?  

 Funding of CPD include access to resources, materials and tools that support my learning and development. 

 Funding of CPD will allow me to attend conferences, seminars or workshops where I can connect with my peers, experts and professionals from various institutions.

Task 4: Are there any other avenues by which professional teachers could have their CPDs with less cost? 

 Yes  Many open educational resources platforms provide materials, lesson plans and other educational resources such as Chat GPT, openlearn etc that contribute to CPD.  

 Numerous online platform offer low cost CPD courses and resources for teachers. Platforms like courser, future learn etc. 

 Collaborative learning with fellow teachers can be a cost effective way to engaged in CPD.

Activity Discussing experiences gained from classroom teaching and wider school life.    

Task 1: How different is the record of my previous knowledge from the new knowledge I gained from the classroom practices?

  Classroom practice exposed me to the practical constraints and realities of teaching such as managing time, resources and diverse student needs. 

 Classroom practices involve interaction with students, colleagues and diverse learning situations.

Task 2: How different is the record of my previous knowledge from the new knowledge I gained from the wider school life? 

 Engaging in wider school life allows me to gain insights into the broader school culture, including tradition, extracurricular activities, events and the interaction among students, teachers and parents. 

 Involvement in wider school life such as student leadership role, Clubs, provides opportunity to develop leadership and organizational skills.

Task 3: What new experiences did I share with my personal tutor?

 Teaching practice provides hands on experience in managing a classroom, maintain discipline and creating a positive learning environment. 

 Teaching practice offers an opportunity to plan and deliver lesson to students. Through this experience, I gain insights into effective instructional strategies, engaging activities and adapting lesson plan to meet the diverse needs of students.
Activity Discussing challenges encountered during classroom teaching and learning and the wider school life  

Task 1: What were the main challenges I encountered during the classroom teaching and learning? 

 Designing assessment that accurately measure student learning and providing timely and constructive feedback was a challenge 

 Insufficient access to adequate resources including textbooks, materials, technology and educational tools, hinders effective teaching and learning.

Task 2: What were the main challenges I encountered from the wider school life?  

 The challenge I encountered was lack of support from the wider school life. This manifested in various ways such as lack of encouragement, limited collaboration and lack of resources and assistance.

 A difficulty in effective communication was a challenge within the wider school life.

Task 3: How have the challenges I encountered from the classroom and the wider school life shape my professional knowledge, attitude values, and professional practices?

 It has enhanced my adaptability and problem solving skills  It has enhanced my interpersonal and communication skills  It has strengthen my professional values and commitment

Activity Recounting lessons learned from experiences that will inform future professional practices  

Task 1: In what ways can my new learning experiences improve my practices in the classroom? 

 My new learning experience provided me with strategies and techniques for effective classroom management. 

 My new learning experiences offered me insights into engaging students actively in the learning process. 

 Through new learning experiences, I have gained access to the latest research, evidence-based practice and educational trends.

Task 2: In what ways can my new learning experiences improve my activities in the wider school life?  

 My new learning experiences have/has enhanced my understanding of resources management. 

 My new learning experiences has equipped me with skills of conflict resolution and problem solving

Task 3: How can I overcome my challenges in the classroom practices and the wider school life activities?

 I will acknowledge and celebrate learners and their success along the way  I will embrace a growth mindset and be open to adapting my practice.

 Task 4: How will I strengthen my lessons learned in my experiences?

 By actively reflecting, seeking feedbacks, making connections and continuous refining my teaching practice, I can strengthen the lesson learned from my experiences. This will contribute to my growth as an effective and reflective educator

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