In a passionate display of support, students at the Zuarungu Nursing and Midwifery Training College in the Upper East Region have thrown their weight behind former President John Mahama, advocating for his return to power. The students, who are frustrated with the current state of affairs, believe that Mahama's leadership is the only solution to their plight.

At a recent rally, the students expressed their disappointment with the two-year delay in receiving their allowances. "For two years, we haven't received allowances, so what is the essence of hoping for it when you can get employment to settle your issues?" one student lamented. The students highlighted the financial difficulties they face, particularly the challenge of affording rent in the current economic climate.

The students stressed that immediate posting after graduation would alleviate many of their struggles. They voiced out that their fees are excessively high and need to be addressed. Additionally, the students called for more development and the construction of additional hospitals.

In a scathing attack on the current government, the students expressed a strong preference for Mahama's leadership, indicating that "four years of Mahama is better than eight years of Akufo-Addo and promises of digitalization by Bawumia." They declared their undying support for the agenda 'Bring Back Mahama'.

The students' cry for immediate employment opportunities is a testament to the failures of the current government. The delay in receiving allowances has left many students in a precarious financial situation, forcing them to rely on family and friends for support.

The students' demand for immediate posting after graduation is a reasonable one. It is unacceptable that students who have completed their training are left to languish without employment. The current government's failure to provide employment opportunities has left many students disillusioned and frustrated.

The students' call for more development and the construction of additional hospitals is also a pressing concern. The healthcare sector in Ghana is in dire need of investment, and the construction of additional hospitals would go a long way in addressing the shortage of healthcare facilities in the country.

In conclusion, the Zuarungu Nursing and Midwifery students' rally behind John Mahama is a cry for help. It is a testament to the failures of the current government and a call for change. The students' demand for immediate employment opportunities, reduction in fees, and more development is a reasonable one, and it is up to the government to address these concerns.

As the country prepares for the next general elections, the students' cry for change must be taken seriously. The current government's failure to address the concerns of the students and the healthcare sector as a whole must be addressed. The students' support for Mahama is a clear indication that they believe he is the only one who can address their concerns.

In the words of the students, "four years of Mahama is better than eight years of Akufo-Addo and promises of digitalization by Bawumia." This statement sums up the students' frustration with the current government and their desire for change.

As we move forward, it is essential that the government takes the students' concerns seriously. The demand for immediate employment opportunities, reduction in fees, and more development must be addressed. The students' cry for change must be heard, and it is up to the government to respond.

In the end, the students' rally behind John Mahama is a call for action. It is a call for change, and it is up to the government to respond. The students' concerns must be taken seriously, and it is essential that the government addresses these concerns to avoid a crisis in the healthcare sector.

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