In August 2022, Kofi Baah Agyepong was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA), marking a new era for the organization. Two years into his tenure, Agyepong has made significant strides in transforming the YEA into a vibrant entity that contributes to the government's growth agenda.

Under Agyepong's leadership, the YEA has fully embraced its mission of empowering young people between the ages of 15 to 35 years by providing skills training and internships to transition them from unemployment to employment. The agency has implemented a range of impactful projects, earning praise from beneficiaries who have found new opportunities to grow their businesses and achieve financial independence.

One of the key accomplishments under Agyepong's leadership is the employment of 1,500 individuals as Community Protection Assistants (CPAs) and another 1,500 as Office Assistants (POAs). Additionally, 6,000 Community Health Workers were enrolled, with 900 receiving further support to gain admission into nursing training schools across the country.

The YEA has also made significant strides in the Apparel and Textiles Sector, supporting 90 large companies and 500 Medium and Small companies, and enabling 2,000 youth to benefit from this sector. Furthermore, the agency engaged 250 youth in the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Building and Road Research Institute (CSIR-BRRI) partnership.

Other notable achievements include the enrollment of 5,000 beneficiaries in the Kayayei Skill Empowerment program, with 600 already completing the program. The agency has also trained 10,000 artisans, with another 10,000 set to be enrolled. Partnerships with Countries Ghana Limited and Aframilk Cocoa have been initiated to further empower the youth.

Agyepong's leadership has also seen the training of 6,000 youth through a partnership with the National Insurance Commission (NIC). The Business and Employment Assistive Programme has benefited 10,000 individuals so far, supporting 5,000 businesses, with an additional 10,000 recruits planned.

The YEA has also partnered with the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP) to benefit 10,000 youth. In the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), 5,000 youth have been trained. The Job Center Bluespace initiative has trained 2,000 individuals, while the Ghana Library Authority Partnership has trained 5,000 youth.

Agyepong's accomplishments serve as a shining example of his dedication to unlocking the potential of Ghana's young people and driving the country's socio-economic progress. Through his visionary approach and collaborative efforts, he has created a ripple effect of positive change, offering not only short-term job opportunities but also imparting valuable skills that will propel the youth towards a brighter, more secure future.

In addition to his achievements, Agyepong has also demonstrated a strong commitment to transparency and accountability. He has implemented measures to ensure that the agency's programs are transparent, accountable, and free from corruption.

Agyepong's leadership has also seen the establishment of a strong monitoring and evaluation system, which tracks the progress of the agency's programs and ensures that they are meeting their intended objectives.

Furthermore, Agyepong has demonstrated a strong commitment to stakeholder engagement. He has established strong relationships with key stakeholders, including the government, private sector, and civil society organizations.

Agyepong's leadership has also seen the establishment of a strong research and development department, which conducts studies and provides insights to inform the agency's programs and policies.

Moreover, Agyepong has demonstrated a strong commitment to innovation and technology. He has introduced digital platforms to enhance the agency's service delivery and reach more youth.

In conclusion, Kofi Baah Agyepong's tenure as CEO of the Youth Employment Agency has been marked by remarkable achievements that have transformed the organization into a vibrant entity contributing to the government's growth agenda. His commitment to empowering Ghana's youth has made a significant impact, and his legacy will continue to inspire and motivate future generations.

As the YEA continues to play a critical role in the fight against youth unemployment in Ghana, Agyepong's leadership serves as a beacon of hope for the nation's young people. His dedication to empowering the youth has made a significant impact, and his achievements will undoubtedly continue to inspire and motivate future generations.

Agyepong's leadership has also demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. He has initiated programs to promote environmental sustainability and reduce the agency's carbon footprint.

In addition, Agyepong has demonstrated a strong commitment to social inclusion and diversity. He has implemented measures to ensure that the agency's programs are inclusive and accessible to all youth, regardless of their background or disability.

Overall, Agyepong's leadership has transformed the YEA into a model agency that is making a significant impact in the lives of Ghana's youth. His commitment to empowering the youth, transparency, accountability, stakeholder engagement, innovation, and sustainability has made him a leader

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