Period of recording - From: __ To: __

Record your notes taken on: 

1. What are the salient issues/main content to take note of while I start my extending teaching?

❖ Technological infrastructure 

❖ Way of engaging my learners 

❖ Way of assessment and evaluation

 ❖ Equity and access  

2. What are the likely challenges I will be facing during practice at the partner school? 

❖ Student management challenge  

❖ Limited resources  

❖ Classroom management challenge  

3. How do I intend to overcome/manage the challenges envisaged?

❖ I will develop strategies that will help my learners develop positive attitude towards teaching and learning  

❖ I will work with school management to make available resources that are not available. 

❖ I will develop strategies which will help me manage my learning classroom environment and teaching and learning according to standard

 4. Who are the stakeholders to support my professional development during the period? 

❖ School administrators  

❖ Fellow teacher trainees 

❖ Students  

❖ Parents  

❖ Teaching staff
5. How useful is the orientation for my professional development during extending teaching? 

❖ Acclimation to the school environment  

❖ provided me with the necessary information and tools to prepare for teaching 

❖ Building professional relationships as it provided me an opportunity to meet other teachers, administrations and staff members. 

TOPIC Planning, Teaching, Motivating, Assessing and Extending Learning 

Period of recording - From: ___ To: ___

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of planning, teaching, and assessing by answering the following questions:

Activity Planning lessons that align content with the appropriate pedagogical and assessment strategies to meet the needs of learners in an inclusive classroom 

6. How did my teaching plan and teaching conform to the basic features (strands, substrands, content standard and indicators) in the Basic School Curriculum? 

❖ my teaching plan should alligned with the learning objectives outlined in the curriculum 

❖ I used aappropriate Instructional Strategies 

❖ I incorporated Assessment Methods

 7. What appropriate pedagogical strategies did I use during my lesson delivery? How did I use them? 

❖ Active Learning: I guided and facilitated the learning process rather than being the sole provider of information. 

❖ Differentiated Instruction: I used a variety of strategies such as project-based learning, taskbased learning, and peer teaching to create a learning environment that is inclusive and engaging for all students. 

❖ Collaborative Learning: I used various techniques such as group projects, role-playing, and debates to encourage students to work together to develop critical thinking, problemsolving, and communication skills. 

8. Which appropriate assessment strategies (in line with NTEAP) did I use during the lesson delivery and how did they help learning and teaching? 

❖ Formative Assessment 

❖ Performance-Based Assessment

❖ Self-Assessment 

9. What practical support did I give all groups of learners; for example, slow and fast learners, girls and boys, SEN learners, etc? 

❖ I used clear and concise language when communicating with students 

❖ I provided positive reinforcement and encouragement to all students, regardless of their abilities 

❖ I encouraged active learning by providing opportunities for students to engage with the material, such as through discussions, group work, and hands-on activities.

Activity Using a variety of appropriate instructional resources in teaching content planned for lessons
1. Which meaningful TLRs did I use to encourage learners’ collaboration? How did they lead to purposeful learning? 

❖ I used collaborative online tools such as Google Docs, videos, pictures, Padlet, or Microsoft Teams to facilitate group work and collaboration among learners. 

❖ Peer Teaching: Peer teaching involves students teaching and explaining concepts to each other, which can help reinforce their learning while promoting collaboration and communication.

 ❖ Classroom Discussions: I facilitated discussions by asking open-ended questions, encouraged students to ask questions and share their ideas, and provided opportunities for students to respond to each other's comments 

2. How friendly were my Teaching and Learning Resources?

 ❖ They enhanced learning by providing learners with additional information and opportunities to practice and apply what they have learned.

 ❖ They helpd in promoting learners' engagement and motivation. 

❖ They helpd to accommodate the diverse needs and backgrounds of learners. 

3. In what ways did the TLRs I used in my teaching encourage learner participation and critical thinking?

 ❖ Learners were able to thing and communicate ideas about what the see concerning pictures shown to them. 

❖ Learners are able to practice what they see in videos shown to them.

4. How effectively did my use of the TLRs influence mixed ability, multi-lingual and multi-age in the class?

 ❖ Accommodating Diverse Needs ❖ Encouraged Collaborative Learning 

❖ Promoted Multilingualism 

5. How did I ensure that the teaching and learning resources I used arouse and sustain the interest of all learners, especially girls and learners with Special Educational Needs? 

❖ I used a variety of teaching and learning resources which helped to sustain learners' interest by providing different types of engagement and appeal. 

❖ I ensured that the resources used are designed to be inclusive and accessible to all learners, including those with SEN 

❖ I used teaching and learning resources that were relevant and engaging to learners and it helped to spark and sustain their interest. For example, use of resources that relate to learners' interests or that are culturally responsive can helped to motivate learners to engage with the material.

Activity Keeping records of lessons taught and assessed with diverse learning needs and differentiated learning outcomes

1. How did I keep records on the “pre”, “during” and the “post” of lessons taught? 

❖ Pre-Lesson Records: pre-assessment or diagnostic tests

 ❖ During-Lesson Records: observations on students' engagement, participation, and performance 

❖ Post-Lesson Records: formative or summative assessments, such as tests, quizzes, or projects. 

2. How did I ensure that learners were not afraid nor intimidated with my assessment strategies? 

❖ I encouraged a Growth Mindset 

❖ I provided Multiple Assessment Opportunities 

❖ I made Assessments Relevant and Meaningful: 

3. What specifically did I do to ensure that my assessment strategies were helpful to all manner of learners? 

❖ I provided Accommodations: Some learners may require accommodations to access and participate in assessments. Accommodations could include things like extended time, assistive technology, or modifications to the assessment format. 

❖ I used Multiple Forms of Assessment: Different learners have different strengths and preferences, so it is important to use a variety of assessment strategies to accommodate their needs

 4. Which two examples of assessment strategies I used in my lesson were in line with the Basic School Curriculum Assessment Scheme?

 a. Formative Assessments: Formative assessments are ongoing assessments that help teachers monitor learners' progress towards learning objectives 

b. Performance-Based Assessments: Performance-based assessments require learners to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts.

5. What ICT tools did I use in keeping assessment records on my learners? 

❖ Electronic grade books 

❖ Spreadsheets

  ❖ Google Forms

 ❖ Class Marker

Activity Establishing criteria for assessment of learners’ needs

1. How did my assessment criteria help in supporting learners learning needs? 

❖ It helped clarified Learning Expectations

 ❖ Helped identified learners Strengths and Weaknesses 

❖ Helped Foster Self-Regulated Learning

 2. In what ways did the Basic School Curriculum and the SBA help me in establishing an assessment criteria?

 ❖ Provide Learning Objectives: The Basic School Curriculum provides learning objectives for each subject and grade level.

❖ Support Differentiated Instruction: The Basic School Curriculum and SBA emphasize the importance of differentiated instruction, which means providing learners with different ways to learn and demonstrate their understanding.

 3. What varied strategies were used to meet learners’ needs?

 ❖ Differentiated Instruction

 ❖ Collaborative Learning 

❖ Technology Integration

 4. How did I ascertain the effectiveness of the criteria in measuring standards of learners’ learning?

 ❖ Analysis of Assessment Results

 ❖ Peer review 

 ❖ Student feedback

 ❖ Evaluation of learning outcomes

 Activity Writing reports of small group discussions between mentors & peers about learners’ needs and how to motivate learners of diverse backgrounds
1. What salient issues on learners’ needs emanating from the small group discussions does my report capture? 

❖ The need for collaboration 

❖ The need for engagement 

❖ The need for feedback

 ❖ The need for critical thinking 

2. What issues could I have:
a) added? The need for communication skills
b) omitted? The need for socialization

3. What motivational strategies did I use to help my learners develop interest in the lesson? How did I use them? 

❖ I connected the lesson to real-world scenarios 

❖ I used Positive Reinforcement 

❖ I used a Variety of Teaching Methods

 ❖ I provided Opportunities for Collaboration 

4. What can I do to improve upon the key findings identified in my report?

❖ Review the findings

 ❖ Seek additional information 

❖ Analyze the data 

❖ Revise the report: 

 ❖ Get feedback

 ❖ Implement recommendations 

❖ Monitor progress

TOPIC Demonstrating Understanding of the Basic School Curriculum 

Period of recording -From____ To:___

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of demonstrating understanding of the basic school curriculum by answering the following questions:

Activity Preparing learner plans aligned with the key components of the Basic School Curriculum (BSC)

1. What were my experiences during the preparation of the lesson plan? 

❖ Time Management 

❖ Adapting to Students' Needs: 

❖ Creating engaging activities 

❖ Incorporating Technology 

2. What new things have I learnt? 

❖ I have learnt new strategies of lesson delivery 

❖ How to assess my learners independently 

❖ Classroom management  

Activity Planning lessons that reflect diversity in terms of learners’ age, grade level, expectations, aptitude and ability

 1. How did I effectively involve learners of mixed ability, multi-lingual and multi-age, girls and boys and SEN learners in the lesson? 

❖ Use of Collaborative Learning strategy  

❖ Use of Multimodal Learning: incorporating multiple modes of learning such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic to engage different learners in the classroom 

❖ use of differentiated instruction strategies to cater to the diverse needs of learners. 

2. How did I create a conducive and enabling environment for all learners, regardless of their backgrounds to actively take part in the lesson? 

❖ I built a positive and inclusive classroom culture 

❖ I fostered positive relationships 

❖ Awareness of cultural and linguistic differences 

3. Which aspects of my lessons never catered for diversity in learners? 

So far all my lessons has catered for every student regardless of their learning needs and diversities  

4. How do I intend to overcome this in my subsequent lessons? 

I have no outstanding difficulties, so I still stick to my strategy of lesson planning and delivery 

Activity Delivering lessons that align with the components of the lesson plan taking GESI into consideration

1. In what ways did I consider GESI in assigning leadership roles to learners in the classroom? 

❖ I ensured fairness 

❖ I encouraged team-building 

❖  I encouraged diversity of leadership styles 

❖ Inclusion of diverse groups 

2. How did I take GESI related issues, including the choice and use of TLRs into account during my lessons? 

❖ I ensured that the teaching and learning resources used in the classroom are diverse and representative of different cultures, genders, and abilities.

❖ I used inclusive language in the TLRs and ensured that all students feel represented and included.

❖ I used TLRs that challenge stereotypes and promote positive images of different groups. 

3. Which area of GESI related issues do I hope to improve on in my subsequent lessons? 

❖ I hope to bridge the gender gap at access to and participation in education at all levels.

 TOPIC Action Research to Support Learners’ Learning 

Period of recording - From___To___ 

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of conducting action research to support learners’ learning by answering the following questions:

Activity Identifying learning needs in the classroom that require attention for inquiry and collecting baseline data to justify such problems, bearing in mind GESI
1. What are the key learning needs I identified in my classroom of practice?

 ❖ Cognitive needs 

❖ Emotional needs 

❖ Linguistic needs 

❖ Individual needs 

2. Which of the identified learning needs were GESI related? 

❖ Individual needs 

❖ Emotional needs 

3. How did I identify the learning needs which were GESI related? 

❖ I observed student behaviour 

❖ I engaged with parents and caregivers 

❖ Interviews 

❖ I used inclusive language 

Activity Reviewing literature based on identified problem and interventions that could be used
1. What themes relating directly to the research problem being studied did I state for
literature review? 

❖ The historical development of the research problem

 ❖ The key concepts and variables associated with the research problem

 ❖ The theoretical frameworks used to study the research problem 

2. How did I organize the literature review around themes relating directly to the research problem being studied? 

❖ I identified the key themes related directly to the research problem 

❖ I conducted a comprehensive search  

❖ I organized the literature  

❖ I synthesized the literature  

❖ Finally, I wrote my literature reviews 

3. How has the literature review helped me to synthesise results into summary of what is known and what is not yet known? 

❖ By helping me identify the key themes and trends 

❖ Evaluate the quality of evidence  

❖ Identify the gaps in knowledge  

❖ Identify areas for future research 

❖ Synthesis the results  

4. How has the literature reviewed helped me to identify areas of controversy in the literature? 

❖ Comparison of finding  

❖ Analysis of methodology 

❖ Identification of knowledge gaps 

❖ Synthesis of different perspective 

5. How adequate have I cited studies that are relevant, including those that are contrary to my perspective? 

❖ I considered the credibility and relevance of the source  

❖ I followed the citation style guidelines of my academic institution

 ❖ I ensured accurate representation of the research and gave credit where credit was due 

Activity Proposing appropriate intervention based on problems identified
1. How well does the intervention fit within my classroom? 

❖ The intervention alignment with the instructional goals 

❖ Flexibility and adaptability 

❖ Students or learners engagement and motivation  

❖ Monitoring and evaluation  

2. What challenges do I anticipate in the implementation? 

❖ Limited resources  

❖ Resistance to change  

❖ Limited buy-in 

❖ Cultural barriers  

3. How do I intend to address the anticipated challenges? 

❖ Work with school management to make resource available  

❖ Encourage learners to adopt to change  

❖ Encourage stakeholders to fully support the intervention implementation  

❖ Intensive education on the need for the intervention implementation

Activity Designing appropriate research instruments for data collection 

1. What experiences did I gain in designing the instrument(s) I planned to use for the data collection?

 ❖ Data interpretation skills  

❖ Project management skills  

❖ Data handling skills  

❖ Critical thinking skills  

Activity Carrying out interventions and collecting data bearing in mind ethical protocols in conducting research.
1. In carrying out interventions and collecting data, what new experiences have I learnt from this semester’s activity compared to the experiences in Year 3 Semester 2? 

❖ Collaborative and problem-solving skills 

❖ Data triangulation: how to use a variety of data collection methods and how to integrate and analyse data from different sources. 

❖ Reflexivity: how to be reflexive and critical of their own practices and how to involve stakeholders in this process.

 2. What challenges did I encounter in carrying out interventions and collecting data? 

❖ Participant recruitment and retention 

❖ Data quality and management 

❖ Implementation fidelity 

3. How did I address the challenges I encountered in carrying out interventions and collecting data? 

❖ I engaged with potential participants and stakeholders early in the study, ensuring that eligibility criteria are clearly defined and understood, and using incentives to encourage participation and retention. 

❖ I ensured that data collection methods were standardized, used training and supervision to improve data collection and management, and implemented quality control checks to minimize errors. 

❖ I used detailed protocols and procedures to ensured that interventions were implemented consistently and accurately, provided regular feedback and supported to interventionists, and monitored and documented any deviations from the protocol. 

TOPIC Exhibiting Classroom Management and Organization Strategies

Period of recording - From:__ To: __

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of exhibiting classroom management and organization strategies answering the following questions:

Activity Setting and displaying agreed classroom management rules and regulations.
2. What gap did I identify when reviewing the existing classroom management rules and regulations? 

❖ Lack of clarity: Rules and regulations were not clearly defined, leaving room for interpretation and confusion. 

3. What additional classroom management rules and regulations have I introduced with learners? 

❖ learners should treat their classmates and the teacher with respect at all times. This includes using appropriate language, not interrupting others, and avoiding disrespectful behaviour. 

❖ learners should come to class on time, bring all necessary materials, and be ready to learn.

4. What challenges did I face when displaying the rules and regulations in the classroom? 

❖ Some students were already holding grudges against another so it was a challenge making them respect each other at all times. Complains all the time. 

5. How did I manage the challenges I face when displaying the rules and regulations? 

❖ I engaged with the school administration and parties parents, counselling sessions was organized and all grudges among my learners were settled. 

Activity Discussing and adhering to the established rules and regulations in the classroom with learners.
2. Which classroom management rules and regulations did the learners and I find more comfortable adhering to? 

❖ Being fully prepared for teaching and learning sessions  

❖ Being respectful towards each other 

3. How did I encourage learners to adhere to the classroom management rules and regulations? 

❖ I made them to realize the benefits of the rules and regulations to their lives not just in school but in the world as well

4. How did the strategies work and why? 

❖ I made practical demonstration to my learners on how nice it is being respectful towards one another and staff as well. I used that strategy because children learn more based on what they see and experience.

5. What other ways can I encourage learners to adhere to the classroom management rules and regulations? 

❖ By making them realize the consequences involved when they violate the classroom rules and regulations  

Activity Exhibiting innovative ways of rewarding exemplary behaviours
1. How easy or difficult was I able to match an exemplary behaviour to a reward and why? 

❖ It was easy for me because the exemplary behaviors were clear and well-defined and the reward was tangible and desirable 

❖ It was difficult because behaviour was subjective or open to interpretation, it was difficult to identify what exemplary behaviour looks like and therefore harder to match it to a reward 

2. How else could I have identified an exemplary behaviour and what reward could I have provided for the behaviour?            How I could have identified an exemplary behavior  

❖ Observing performance: Observing an individual's performance can help identify exemplary behaviour. This could involve regular check-ins or performance evaluations to assess progress and identify areas of strength. Reward  

❖ Recognition and praise: Simply acknowledging and praising exemplary behavior can be a powerful motivator. This might include public recognition, a personal note of thanks, or a formal commendation. 

3. How did I use ICT tools in rewarding exemplary behaviours? 

❖ Digital badges or certificates 

❖ Classroom management apps 

❖ Social media recognition

4. In what ways did I incorporate GESI issues in rewarding exemplary behaviours?

❖ I used inclusive language in recognition 

❖ I recognized and rewarded behaviours that promoted inclusion 

❖ I created a safe and inclusive classroom environment 

❖ I used a GESI lens to evaluate exemplary behaviours

TOPIC Effective Leadership Qualities in the Classroom and the Wider School Life 

Period of recording - From: ___ To: ___ 

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of effective leadership qualities in the classroom and the wider school life by answering the following questions:

Activity Accessing, reviewing and working with school plans, policies, documentation, and resources

 1. Which school plans, policies, documentation, and resources did I review? 

❖ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Plan 

❖ Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policies 

❖ Learners Support Services 

2. How will the reviewed plans/policies/resources inform me on GESI issues in the classroom and the wider school life? 

❖ A DEI plan outlines the school's commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of school life 

❖ These policies provide guidance on how the school handles discrimination and harassment, including reporting procedures, investigation processes, and consequences for violators 

❖ These services include counselling, mentorship, and academic support for students who may face barriers to academic success due to their gender, ethnicity, race, sexuality, or socioeconomic status

3. How will the reviewed plans/policies/resources enhance my professional practice?

❖ can help me understand the school's values and approach to GESI issues and how they can contribute to creating an inclusive classroom and school community. 

❖ can help me understand the school's stance on GESI issues and how to handle incidents in the classroom. 

❖ can help me understand how to provide additional support for students who may face GESI-related challenges and how to work collaboratively with other school staff to promote student success. 

Activity Attending, participating, and taking field notes, minutes, and artifacts of CPD
1. What emerging issues from the CPD meeting did I take note of? 

❖ Poor time management 

❖ Resistance to change 

❖ Lack of engagement 

2. How were GESI and ICT integrated into the CPD meeting? 

❖ Usage of technology facilitated virtual participation 

❖ Diversity and inclusion were ensured 

❖ GESI was incorporated into the meeting agenda 

3. What were some of the leadership qualities that I observed exhibited in the CPD meeting?

❖ Effective communication 

❖ Decision-making 

❖ Active listening 

❖ Problem-solving 

❖ Facilitation skills 

4. How does the CPD meeting enhance my professional practice? 

❖ Exposure to new ideas and trends 

❖ Reflection: can help me to reflect on my teaching practice and identify areas for growth

 ❖ Feedback and support: CPD meetings offer me an opportunity to receive feedback and support from my peers and more experienced colleagues.

Activity Attending, participating, taking field notes, and minutes of PTA, SMC, and staff meetings
1. What were the key issues discussed at the PTA, SMC, and staff meeting I participated? 

❖ learner’s academic performance 

❖ School safety and security 

❖ Curriculum and instruction 

2. How were GESI and ICT integrated into the PTA, SMC, and staff meeting I participated? 

❖ GESI was integrated by ensuring that all students' needs and experiences are taken into account when developing strategies. ICT was used to share data and track student progress. 

❖ GESI was integrated by ensuring that all students and staff feel safe and included. ICT was used to share safety plans and emergency procedures 

❖ GESI was integrated by ensuring that the curriculum is culturally responsive and inclusive. ICT was used to share instructional resources and track student progress 

3. What were some of the leadership qualities exhibited in the meeting? 

❖ focus on data-driven decision-making 

❖ commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment 

❖ willingness to try new teaching strategies 

4. What are some of the new things I learnt from the PTA, SMC, and staff meeting and how can they enhance my professional practice?

 ❖ effective teaching strategies and data analysis techniques. Help improve my teaching strategies 

❖ best practices for school safety and strategies for promoting a positive school culture. Help me to provide friendly and protective learning environment for my learners. 

❖ curriculum development and instructional practices. Help me adopt to changes in curriculum. 

Activity Exhibiting effective leadership qualities in the classroom during teaching and learning process

1. How did I exhibit leadership qualities in solving difficult situation in the classroom? 

❖ I encouraged open communication 

❖ I was proactive 

❖ I demonstrated empathy and understanding 

❖ I lead by example 

 2. What challenges related to gender and social inclusion in the selection of leaders for the activities did face? 

❖ Gender bias 

❖ Lack of access to training and support 

❖ Cultural barriers 

❖ Lack of diversity 

❖ Discrimination 

3. How did I handle challenges related to the selection of teachers based on gender and social inclusion? 

❖ I defined clear selection criteria 

❖ I trained selection committees 

❖ I fostered a culture of inclusion 

❖ I used positive discrimination when necessary 

TOPIC Develop Professional Teaching Portfolio 

Period of recording - From: ___ To: ___

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of developing professional teaching portfolio by answering the following questions:

Activity Examining the contents of professional teaching portfolios built from Level 100 up to date to indicate/show progression
1. What were the differences and or similarities between the contents of the professional teaching portfolio as per the NTEAP and what I have in my PTP? SIMILARITIES  

❖ Teaching philosophy 

❖ Teaching goals 

2. In my estimation, what might have accounted for the similarities and or the differences in PTP? 

❖ Alignment of my professional teaching portfolios to the NTEAP standard

3. What progression have I seen in the building of my portfolio from Level 100 to date? 

❖ Selection and organization of teaching and learning materials 

 ❖ Writing a teaching philosophy 

❖ reflection on my teaching practices

4. What do I need to do to meet the standard of the professional teaching portfolio in
the NTEAP? 

❖ Provide a clear introduction 

❖ Include my academic credentials; relevant courseworks that highlights my expertise in my course area. 

❖ Demonstrate my teaching practice; lesson plans, teaching evaluations, student feedback, classroom observations, and copies of student work.

Activity Continuing to improve and build upon portfolio/e-portfolio guided by mentors and personal tutors 

1. How satisfied am I with the number of items in my portfolio including those in e-portfolio and why?

❖ I am fully satisfied because my portfolio is built according to educational standards.

2. What do I need to do to improve on the content of my portfolio? 

❖ Start with a clear and concise introduction 

❖ Include relevant educational qualifications and certifications 

❖ Provide evidence of your teaching effectiveness 

❖ Showcase your classroom management skills 

3. Which content of the PTP will I need to convert into e-portfolio and how will I do that? 

❖ Texts  

❖ Pictures  

❖ Videos  

❖ Evidence of related coursework How to do it 

❖ Open e-portfolio in global/navigation and click on it 

❖ Click on e-portfolio content 

❖ Select page  

❖ Edit page 

❖ Add content  

❖ Save page  

❖ View page 

TOPIC Reflection and recording in the Student Reflective Journal 

Period of recording - From__ To: __

Demonstrate knowledge and skills of reflecting and recording in the student reflective journal by answering the following questions:

Activity Reflecting to improve on classroom practices and record in the Student Reflective Journal (SRJ)

1. What classroom practices have I identified and recorded? 

❖ Assessment and feedback 

❖ Technology integration

❖ Differentiation and individualization

 2. What innovative ways to improve on how I reflect on classroom practices have I identified? 

❖ Creating flexible learning environment  

❖ Use of problem finding strategies  

❖ Use of open-ended questions 

Activity Reflecting to improve on the wider school observation and record in the SRJ.
3. What wider school life activities have I identified and recorded? 

❖ Football games  

❖ Club activities  

❖ Inter-schools debate competitions  

❖ Inter-schools quizzes competitions

 4. What innovative ways to improve on how I reflect on wider school life activities have I identified?

 ❖ Collaboration with colleagues 

❖ Use of digital tools 

❖ Engaging in action research

 Activity Reflecting to improve on personal and professional development for
lifelong learning and record in the SRJ [Note: ‘for lifelong learning’ is the focus of the CLO and cannot be left out of the Activity topic; check the curriculum]

3. How are my experiences in classroom practices and wider school life activities helping me to plan for my future personal and professional development? 

❖ It helps narrow my focus down to one or two goals 

❖ It helps to make me collaborative and hand-on in nature  

❖ It helps me set specific goals 

4. What developmental plan for lifelong learning have I made? 

❖ I have planned to Embrace challenges and new experiences.
Extra (on page 5 of the SRJ)

2. Key educational policies  

❖ There is a policy that addresses inclusivity  

❖ Sexual harassment policy  

❖ Learners code of conduct policy 

❖ Learners protection and defense policy 

3. The wider school life 

❖ Football games  

❖ Spelling “B” competition  

❖ Club activities  

❖ Inter-schools competitions (quiz, debate, etc) 

4.  GESI issues 

❖ Every student or learner is given equal access to the opportunities, resources and services they need to reach their full potentials.  

❖ Ensuring that every learner (both boys and girls) are valued as equal and active participants in the wellbeing of their communities and societies. 

5. Availability of ICT tools 

❖ Computers  

❖ Projectors 

❖ Speakers  

❖ Flash drives  

❖ Printer


The learning material shared here is provided for educational purposes only. I do not claim ownership of this content. All credit goes to the original creators or authors. Please use this material responsibly and respect the intellectual property rights of the original owners.


  1. It wasn’t complete

  2. Is not complete

  3. Plz we need second semester extended teaching journal.


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